Note: (Restricted functionality due to obvious reasons!)

For Mobile-Ease ⇓

Minimal Code ( Raw-View ) :
#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<sstream> using namespace std; struct LL{int posNum; struct LL *next_LL; } *start = new LL; int main(){ int *i,j=10; char c,*cP; cout<<endl<<sizeof(i)<<" \t "<<sizeof(j); cout<<endl<<sizeof(c)<<" \t "<<sizeof(cP); cout<<"\n Simple : \n\t j++ : "<< j++ <<" j++: "<< j <<" j: "<<j++; cout<<hex<<"\n Modifier (hex) used : \n\t j++ : "<< j++ <<" j++: "<< j <<" j: "<<j++; cout<<dec; // to change stream back to decimals j = 2 << 4; cout<<endl<<"-> LEFT-Shift operator \n -[Shifts-bits to left. Adds n-ZEROs at right-end] :\n -eg: 2 << 4 : "<<j<<endl; j = 32 >> 4; cout<<endl<<"-> RIGHT-Shift operator \n -[Shifts-bits to right. Removing n-ZEROs at right-end] :\n -eg: 32 >> 4 : "<<j<<endl; /* The standard header <sstream> defines a type called stringstream that allows a string to be treated as a stream, and thus allowing extraction or insertion operations from/to strings in the same way as they are performed on cin and cout. This feature is most useful to convert strings to numerical values and vice versa. For example, in order to extract an integer from a string we can write: */ string strSample (" 19a9 "); int intSample; stringstream(strSample) >> intSample; cout<<endl<<"int stringstream(strSample) >> intSample : "<<intSample; stringstream(strSample) >>hex>> intSample; cout<<endl<<"int stringstream(strSample) >> hex >> intSample : "<<intSample; int *iPtr = new int ; *iPtr = 5; cout<<endl; cout<<endl<<iPtr<<" : is address in the Pointer. \t value = "<<*iPtr; cout<<endl<<"** Strings : getline(cin, string_var) : "; string str; getline(cin, str); cout<<str; cout<<"\n \t -------End----------- \n"; getch(); return 0; }